Smoking help
Everyone is aware that smoking is bad for their health.
Many people still smoke and some teenagers still start smoking.
Smokings bad effects
Cost check this website to see how much your smoking costs each year
- Cancer is commoner in smokers
- Breathlessness, lung damage such as COPD is much commoner
- Heart trouble and strokes
- Smokers twice as likely to die before 65 years
- half of all smokers die as a result of their smoking (or more than half! See BBC report)
Giving up smoking
If you would like to give up smoking, both Nurse McKinstry and Nurse Hamilton will support you. Why not make an appointement or ring and discuss this with them.
Could you have COPD? (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Do you have any of the following problems?
- Exertional breathlessness.
- Chronic cough.
- Regular sputum production.
- Frequent 'winter bronchitis'.
- Wheeze.
If you answer yes to any of these questions, and are concerned you might have COPD make an appointment with Nurse Hamilton. She will carry our spirometry and then you can discuss the result with the Doctor.