
We have taken steps to reduce risk of Coronavirus by reverting to telephone triage. This is to protect the most vulnerable of our patients as well as the staff.  When you ring us, our staff will ask you some questions to determine your condition.   Some of these questions may include if you have a temperature or a cough. These questions will help us to determine the best action to take but also helps protect our staff and other vulnerable patients.

Please DO NOT ATTEND THE SURGERY without a prior appointment.

When you do attend for either a GP or nurse appointment, we are also asking that once you have advised of your arrival you then return to your car and you will be called in.   We have closed our waiting room, again in an effort to control the virus.

We would also advise that for the present time we are no longer completing private reports, HGV medicals, life insurance forms etc., and would suggest that you may wish to attend a private clinic for these.

Reminder - we have online ordering for your repeat medicines which is our preferred way for you to order - please ask at reception for your first time unique log in so you can bypass the phone system.

When the Surgery is closed, please contact the GP Out of hours for the Southern Trust area which is 028 3839 9201. For our patients living in the South Eastern Trust Area your number is 028 9260 2204

Reminder to all patients: Please allow 72hrs (that's three full working days ) for repeat prescriptions to be issued.

We want to empower our patients to enable them to care for themselves and their loved ones for minor ailments. The Self Care forum website is designed for patients to access information on managing their symptoms themselves and advising when to seek medical help.

WEBSITE: or scroll down for some more information on specific ailments


Here are links to some common ailments:

1 Sore throat how to treat your sore throat

2 Cough in adults how to manage your cough

3 Sinus infections how to manage a sinus infection yourself

4 Earache how to manage earache symptoms

5 Fever in children how to assess a child with a temperature

Healthy Exercise

Exercise can help to reduce your risk of

  • heart attacks
  • strokes
  • diabetes

Regular exercise can nearly half your risk of these conditions.

Regular exercise reduces early deaths by 20-30%.

Most people do not exercise enough to get this benefit, but it's not hard to do.

Enough exercise to get these benefits is brisk walking, 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week.

Why not start today?                                                 Exercise Getting started

We live in  beautiful countryside. Switch the TV off, open the door, take a friend/dog and get out for a walk each day.

It's that simple.                                                         More help

Aim for moderate or vigorous exercise.

Intensity of exerciseType of exerciseExamples
LightaerobicNormal walking, walking downstairs, bowling, general housework: vacuum cleaning carpets, mopping floors
ModerateaerobicBrisk walking (3- 4.5 mph), lawn mowing, cycling (5-9 mph), low impact aerobic dance, social dancing, swimming
Vigorousaerobic for some, anaerobic for others

Fast walking >=5mph; cycling >=10mph; high impact aerobics, playing competitive sports, circuit weight training, heavy digging for others or yard work; heavy housework,moving furniture