Are you a prediabetic?
About 1 in 4 adult patients in Ballyward are prediabetic.
Their blood sugars are higher than normal but not as high as in diabetes.
Those who are prediabetic are between 5-15 times more likely to get diabetes eventually.
Check on your risk of developing diabetes here.
If your risk is moderate or high, book a fasting blood glucose with the Nurse.
Fasting Blood Glucose
A fasting blood glucose is checked in the morning after an overnight fast with no food or drink on the morning of the test.
The result can be
- normal
- high in keeping with diabetes
- above normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetic. This is the prediabetic group.
Good News
If you have prediabetes, you can reduce your risk of developing diabetes by
- dietary care
- smaller portion sizes
- change in eating pattern
- Exercising on a daily basis
Advice about a healthy diet
Advice about exercise
Information about prediabetes